Setiap kali menziarahi A Famosa di Melaka, kita harus ingat bahawa pedagang-pedagang Cina yang mungkin ada keturunan lagi di sini hari telah membantu Portugis menakluk Melaka.
Usahlah Ong Ka Chuan hendak mengaku orang Cina mengorbankan nyawa memperjuangkan kemerdekaan! Itu adalah hujah penyokong dan pemberi simpati kepada pengganas komunis yang mana perjuangannya tidak diterima oleh orang-orang Malaysia, khususnya penduduk asal orang-orang Melayu.
Malah, hujah ini adalah hujah yang rasis dan penuh dengan perkauman kerana berniat untuk menidakkan perjuangan orang Melayu dan menggambarkan orang Cina komunis sebagai pejuang kemerdekaan sebenar dengan hanya berdasarkan pembohongan fakta sejarah.
Realitinya orang Cina tidak pernah pergi berperang untuk memperjuangkan kedaulatan negara melainkan untuk kepentingan mereka samada ideologi politik atau ekonomi.
Berapa kerat orang Cina yang berkhidmat dalam angkatan bersenjata atau berseragam kerajaan hari ini? Berapa kerat yang pernah berkhidmat dalam angkatan bersenjata dan berseragam kerajaan pada masa lepas?
Alasan berasaskan ekonomi biasa kita dengar. Ini hanya menunjukkan sejauh mana pengorbanan yang mereka sanggup lakukan. Mereka hanya berkorban apabila sudah terdesak, tiada lain. Apabila mereka konon berkorban, dengan syaitan pun mereka sanggup bersekongkol.
Di dalam artikel semalam berjudul, "Adakah Pembohongan Ong Ka Chuan Bermakna MCA Kini Menyokong Komunis?", penulis blog ini menyatakan bahawa:
... orang Cina tidak pernah berjuang untuk negara ini melainkan untuk kepentingan mereka.Hari ini, penulis memetik dari sejarah Melaka yang ditulis oleh Marco Ramerini berjodol PORTUGUESE MALACCA 1511-1641 seperti berikut:
Tatakala, kerajaan British mengunjurkan Kesatuan Malaya (Malayan Union), orang Cina tidak ikut sama menentang peningkatan status taraf "negara jajahan" dan menghapuskan sistem negeri dan institusi Raja-raja Melayu.
Sebenarnya dalam perjuangan untuk mendapat kemerdekaan, rata-rata orang-orang bukan Melayu lebih rela negara ini tidak merdeka jika orang Melayu memerintah. Mereka rela negara ini terus dijajah selagi mereka tidak mendapat kewarganegaraaan dan hak sama rata sebagai lesen...
Baca seterusnya di laman web Colonial Voyage.THE PORTUGUESE CONQUEST
At the time of the Portuguese arrival in the Asian seas, Malacca, thanks to its strategic position on the strait bearing the same name, was a remarkable trading center for the trade and shunting of spices. At that time, Malacca was ruled by a Muslim Sultanate.
The town extended its influence over a vast territory, which included the whole Malaya Peninsula.
Its port was frequented by a multitude of ships and merchants from all the Asian nations of the time: Arabia, Persia, China, India, Japan, Indonesia, Ceylon, and Bengal. In it were gathered and sold all the Asian spices: pepper, cloves, ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, etc.
After their arrival in India, the Portuguese soon became aware of the importance of the city. An expedition sailed to Malacca in 1509 but failed, and many of the Portuguese were captured and imprisoned by the Sultan.
In 1511, the ViceRoy of India, Afonso de Albuquerque, decided to organize an expedition destined to conquer Malacca. At the head of 1.100 - 1.200 men and 14 ships, Afonso de Albuquerque arrived in view of Malacca in June of 1511 and immediately demanded the rescue of the Portuguese that were taken prisoners in the 1509 expedition. The Sultan tried to gain time to strengthen the town defenses. He was well aware of the small number of Portuguese troops and was confident on his powerful army of 20.000 men and 2.000 guns.
Albuquerque wasted no time. At down of 25 July 1511 the Portuguese attacked the town concentrating the assault on the bridge on the river dividing the town. After a fierce battle the bridge was conquered by the Portuguese, but at nightfall they were forced to retreat.After some days of preparations, on 10 August 1511, the Portuguese renewed the attack. Albuquerque had the assistance of some Chinese junks that were anchored in the port. The use of a junk offered by the Chinese merchants was decisive, as this junk was used as a bridgehead. This time the attack was successful and the Portuguese finally succeeded in establishing a bridgehead in the town.
There were then several days of siege in which the Portuguese bombarded the city. On 24 August 1511 the Portuguese again attacked only to discover that the Sultan had escaped. With Malacca was now in Portuguese hands, they sacked the town, but following Albuquerque’s orders, they respected the property of those who sided with them.
B. W. Diffie and G. D. Winius in the book "Foundations of the Portuguese Empire 1415-1580" write: "the capture of Asia's greatest trading city by a mere 900 Portuguese and 200 Indians must rank as an event in the history of European expansion no less stunning than the better known conquest of Tenochtitlan by Hernando Cortés".
Selama 17 hari dari Julai 25hb, 1511, asakan tentera Portugis berjaya dipatahkan. Hinggalah pada Ogos 11hb, 1511, Portugis mendapat bantuan pedagang-pedagang Cina yang memberi bantuan kapal-kapal tongkang Cina yang sudah berlabuh di pelabuhan Melaka.
Kapal-kapal pedagang Cina menjadi penentu kerana kapal-kapal tersebut digunakan sebagai "bridgehead" untuk masuk ke tengah-tengah bandar pelabuhan Melaka.
Pedagang-pedagang Cina yang mendapat banyak laba dari perniagaan dan perdagangan di Melaka akhirnya membantu penjajah Inggeris menjajah bandar pelabuhan yang menjadi "lombong emas" untuk mereka mengumpul kekayaan?
Adakah sejarah yang sama akan berulang lagi dengan pembohongan Ong Ka Chuan, abang Presiden MCA, Ong Ka Ting memperjuangkan pengganas komunis dan mengkhianati sifat tolak ansur orang Melayu?
20 ulasan:
adoi......rasis btul awk ni....
awk dgn ong sama jer....nk perjuang melayu n cina....bangsa2 lain mcm mna? x bole ke korang perjuangkan bangsa MALAYSIA? sama2 bekerjasama utk membina negra yg sejahtera.
lupakan asal-usul tu....x kira China ke india ke indonesia sekalipun....yg penting kita msih lagi duduk di bumi yang sama, bukan planet lain.
inilah mentaliti org2 msia yg x pnah berubah dari dlu....melayu kata cina jahat cina kata melayu jahat india kata cina n melayu jahat.... x malu ke dgn negra lain? jadi bahan ketawa Amerika korang klu mcm ni....malu lah sikit.
Sedih membaca komen yang menunjukkan kekosongan jatidiri dan kecetekan pengetahuan sejarah.
Dari memahami isikandung dan intipati sesuatu artikel, melakukan stereotaip rasis dan niat tidak baik adalah satu sikap buruk sangka yang juga berasaskan perjudis rasisma!
Artikel ini adalah artikel susulan semalam yang bertahan dan artikel ini adalah artikel serangan.
Mutakhir ini pihak tertentu suka benar mengguna jari telunjuk menuduh orang Melayu dan parti orang Melayu sebagai rasis bangsa atau rasis agama.
Kononnya cara mereka dan parti baru mereka sebagai satu-satunya suara kebenaran.
Setiap mereka yang suka menunjuk jari telunjuk, jgn lupa tiga jari menunjuk kembali kepada diri mu. Yang lebih teruk, menuduh dengan pembohongan.
Fikir baik-baik keinginan saudari yang masih muda, belum matang dan cukup ilmu untuk asyik dgn benda yang baru, perubahan, anjakan paradigma ... dll tanpa memahami dari mana anda berganjak dan samada anda memahami dengan dalam mengapa keadaan satu-satu itu sedemikian!
Sesuatu itu maju kerana dia ada asas dan tempat bermula. Ada pihak-pihak tertentu mahukan supaya negara ini suatu negara yang tidak da permulaan dan asas. Seolah-olah tamadun mereka yang layak dihayati dan dianuti.
Seseorang yang tidak menghayati sejarah adalah seperti seorang tidak ada ibu bapa.
kpd otai...
apa yg sy ckp realiti, bukan kerana sy muda @ apa. sy muda tpi sy byk membaca la. ingt sy mcm org lain ker
harap keturunan sy x jdi CM? Emm...ini lah tipikal org msia. Salahkah sy dilahirkan sbg bangsa lain? salah Tuhan kah?
kepada uncle pesanan,
anda kata sy keksongan jatidiri. mana anda tahu? pernah kah tya direct kpd sy. taukah sy bangsa apa?
pnah ke sy ckp SEMUA org melayu rasis? sy hnya kata awk yg rasis. bukan keseluruhan org melayu. sstgh org cina pun rasis juga tp tak bermakna sy kata keseluruhan org cina rasis. sstngh org india pun rasis juga X bermakna semua org india rasis.sy juga kritik org iban,kdaza,melayu,cina dan india klu dia buat sstu yg x btul. salah kah?
Nmpaknya menjadi stu sumpahan bg org2 sperti sy kerana menjadi tidak sebangsa dgn awk.....
Saya amat bersetuju yang kita kena tau asal usul sejarah negara kita. Dengan hanya mengatakan kita perlu ada semangat bangsa Malaysia dan hanya bersifat 'taking for granted', menjadikan kita (Melayu) tidur diulit mimpi, sudahlah Melayu ni memang jenis pelupa. Tetapi ingatlah, kita kena sentiasa waspada agar bangsa kita tidak ketinggalan ke belakang dalam apa jua bidang pun. Cubalah mintak keje kat company Cina. Salah satu syarat adalah boleh bertutur bahasa Cina. Mengapa company seperti ini yang kadang-kadang tidak perlu orang boleh berbahasa Cina membuat syarat sebegitu? Adakah itu sudah menunjukkan yang mereka juga "racist"? Lagi satu, cubalah anda yang melayu ni nak berurusniaga dengan company Cina, cuba tengok kalau dorang nak layan ke tak. Dorang tolong bangsa dia saja. I have been there and I know it is painful.
Deepo & otai,
Nampaknya Wikipedia lagi rasis, siap bagitau nama org yang tolong portugis tu.
Bacalah artikel ni dengan fikiran terbuka. Gunanya kita belajar sejarah kat sekolah supaya kita ambil iktibar daripadanya, kenal asal-usul kita dan jangan ulangi kesilapan nenek-moyang kita.
Tiada siapa yg rasis di sini. Yg rasis hanyalah pandangan kita saja. Janganlah termakan hasutan politikus2 yang berkepentingan itu.
I'm sorry Mr.Blogger but your article is incredibly riddled with flaws and racism (and not to mention poor writing).
khususnya penduduk asal orang-orang Melayu.
Do you know that Malays are NOT the penduduk asal of Malaysia? Please know your anthropology.
Malah, hujah ini adalah hujah yang rasis dan penuh dengan perkauman kerana berniat untuk menidakkan perjuangan orang Melayu dan menggambarkan orang Cina komunis sebagai pejuang kemerdekaan sebenar dengan hanya berdasarkan pembohongan fakta sejarah.
"Hujah yang rasis" and "penuh dengan perkauman" essentially mean the same thing. Enough with the redundancy; it really makes you sound a lot less convincing.
I've no idea how you came to the conclusion that he was trying to "menidakkan perjuangan orang Melayu". Just because I say I have an apple doesn't mean you cannot have an apple.
And NOBODY said the Chinese communists were the "pejuang sebenar". Gosh, the Chinese (and other races too) contributed much to the country. Just because the Malays played the biggest role does not mean the Malays are the only ones to thank. Also, why do I feel like you're generalizing all Chinese as communists?
Berapa kerat orang Cina yang berkhidmat dalam angkatan bersenjata atau berseragam kerajaan hari ini?
This is a very sad logical fallacy. Do you realize that there are very few Chinese in the military because the Malays have been oppressing us from joining it? And by oppressing I do not mean the government has laws prohibiting us from enrolling. By oppressing I mean the country has been treating us as second-class citizens and so we do not see it a point to serve the country. And by oppressing I also mean the very Malay/Muslim culture enforced in the military; you can find very racist leaders in it, and trust me, the last thing you want is to be ordered around in a boot camp by a brawny guy who hates you. Yeah, I kind of got that impression from the racist Biro Tatanegara Camp I went to last year. My word of advice: think before you write; you obviously have your cause-and-effects wrong.
Alasan berasaskan ekonomi biasa kita dengar. Ini hanya menunjukkan sejauh mana pengorbanan yang mereka sanggup lakukan. Mereka hanya berkorban apabila sudah terdesak, tiada lain. Apabila mereka konon berkorban, dengan syaitan pun mereka sanggup bersekongkol.
I'm actually not quite sure if the paragraph above is talking about the Chinese pre-Merdeka or post-Merdeka (blame Malay's lack of the past tense, I guess). If it's the former, you're very wrong for underestimating the economic power the immigrants had given. I doubt the British would have given Malaya its independence if the country was not 'developed' enough and did not have the right promise of future prosperity. If it's the latter, then I'm sure you're just another segregationist Malay who lives with stereotypes and grandmother stories. Go out and meet some people from other races for goodness sake, and you'll realize just how much we have done to make this country better apart from the economic sense. Improving a country doesn't just come from 'berjuang dalam tentera' and all that, you know. Only a warmongerer says that. Berjuang also means doing charity and giving economic empowerment to the poor and providing intellectual capital and such.
And what's with the syaitan? That's insulting.
... orang Cina tidak pernah berjuang untuk negara ini melainkan untuk kepentingan mereka.
Okay I'm not going to discuss anymore about whether this is right or wrong. But I am going to enlighten you on some basic economic theories. I'm going to assume that you are trying to say the Chinese are only looking for PERSONAL economic advantage... economic because you have pointed it out somewhere above. Have you ever heard of economic spillover? Do you know why capitalist countries are so rich, have better standards of living and lower poverty rates? Because of companies. They encourage entrepreneurship. And when these companies earn big time, some wealth gets spilled over to everyone in the country. And capitalism is selfishness. Read Adam Smith. Capitalism is about working hard for YOUR OWN PERSONAL gains, and eventually these gains get spilled over to others. If you say the Chinese should not focus so much on their own economic gains, that's a bit communist-like... and I thought you were against communism, no? You cannot open a company thinking about what your neighbor will benefit from it because there would not be motivation strong enough to make the company a success.
Sebenarnya dalam perjuangan untuk mendapat kemerdekaan, rata-rata orang-orang bukan Melayu lebih rela negara ini tidak merdeka jika orang Melayu memerintah. Mereka rela negara ini terus dijajah selagi mereka tidak mendapat kewarganegaraaan dan hak sama rata sebagai lesen...
Because the orang bukan Melayu knew it would be a big mistake to give Malays all the privilege. It's common sense, and negotiation, and I believe the Malays would feel the same way if they were the immigrants/minority. It's called fighting for one's own voice. It's a natural trait in all of us... and it's one of the better traits in mankind. Sometimes, dear, you have to put yourself in other peoples' shoes.
And in case you are wondering, I am NOT thankful to the Malays for letting me live in this country. I am thankful to the leaders who allowed me to do so. And I sure don't give a damn what skin color those leaders have.
After some days of preparations, on 10 August 1511, the Portuguese renewed the attack. Albuquerque had the assistance of some Chinese junks that were anchored in the port. The use of a junk offered by the Chinese merchants was decisive, as this junk was used as a bridgehead. This time the attack was successful and the Portuguese finally succeeded in establishing a bridgehead in the town.
Okay, the Chinese helped the Portuguese. Your point? This was 500 years ago, dude. You're trying to JUDGE us based on something that happened more than 400 years before we even existed? You're trying to judge an entire race based on the actions of some people centuries ago? Your head needs some cleaning; it's obviously filled with hatred and prejudice. Trust me, don't spoil your life with hatred.
By the way, so our ancestors made attack on Malacca possible, and your 'solution' to that is to take revenge today? I thought you practice forgiveness, no? And with the country treating us like second-class citizens for half a century, I think we're more than even already.
Oh and not to mention the Portuguese themselves brought good to the country. Aren't you happy with the traces of Portuguese culture we have in Malacca? It adds diversity to our country and diversity is strength. And if it wasn't for the Portuguese, the West probably wouldn't have such a strong hold here and we would still be a very, very, very backward country. Be thankful a lil'. Geez. They're not all evil.
Adakah sejarah yang sama akan berulang lagi dengan pembohongan Ong Ka Chuan, abang Presiden MCA, Ong Ka Ting memperjuangkan pengganas komunis dan mengkhianati sifat tolak ansur orang Melayu?
You and your exaggerations. Enough with the backward thinking, darn it.
Anyway, what on earth is the point of your post?! EVEN if my grandparents did not contribute anything, are you going to look down on me and say I do not belong in this country? Well, here's a newsflash for you. I am a Malaysian. I eat your food, I sing your anthem, I speak your language, I go to your school, I follow your politics, I cry watching the same movies, I read your magazines, I love this country, I have never been to China, heck I don't even speak Mandarin, I respect your religion, I respect your customs, I celebrate Hari Raya with my friends and neighbors, and I'm against Singapore. What the heck would it matter if my grandfather worked in the military or if he derailed a train for the communists? I am not my grandfather. I was born here, made by your God, and have absolutely no ties to the communists, in case you wanted to know. Stop dwelling on the past because everyone knows that's not going to do any good.
To janggut jebat:
Cubalah mintak keje kat company Cina. Salah satu syarat adalah boleh bertutur bahasa Cina. Mengapa company seperti ini yang kadang-kadang tidak perlu orang boleh berbahasa Cina membuat syarat sebegitu? Adakah itu sudah menunjukkan yang mereka juga "racist"?
Because being able to converse in Chinese is a skill, and employers want skills. If I can't speak Malay, would you hire me? No. If you deal with Latin America a lot and you have an interviewee in front of you who speaks Spanish, would you hire him? I'm guessing yes. So why is hiring that Spanish speaker not racist, but hiring that Chinese speaker racist? Chinese companies deal with Chinese people a lot since the Chinese market in Malaysia is pretty huge, so the company definitely isn't wrong for wanting a Chinese-speaking person. Even if the company doesn't deal with a lot of Chinese people, isn't it still nice to have a person who can speak the language? I mean, from the company's point of view, you get to open your market to so many people and those elusive Chinese customers might not be so elusive anymore with such employees.
Lagi satu, cubalah anda yang melayu ni nak berurusniaga dengan company Cina, cuba tengok kalau dorang nak layan ke tak. Dorang tolong bangsa dia saja. I have been there and I know it is painful.
And you too, janggut jebat, have a logical fallacy. The Chinese businessmen treat the Malays badly because they feel the the same pain. The Malays have been treating them like second-class citizens, shoving racist policies down their throats, throwing statements that their immigrants, charging them higher prices for land, denying their deserving children scholarships, and you expect to get royal treatment from them? I think it's wrong for them to treat you badly, but hey, don't go finger-pointing at them because they would obviously be so much friendlier if you treated them well in the first place.
And one last note, I absolute have no idea why people are attacking deepo here. She might be young but she obviously has more maturity than any of you.
Ini cerita dongeng ke apa, budak tulis cerita ini pasti ke ada kapal dagang masih berloya-loya di tengah2 peperangan antara Melaka dan Portugis. Yg. pasti, kapal dagang yg. lari dulu.
Kamu yg. mengada-adakan cerita ini, nak menghasut kebencian? Berdosa betul perbuatan kamu itu. Samalah kamu dgn. orang2 Portugis ini yg. menyerang Melaka dulu.
Cerita ini pandai buat alasan yg. org2 Portugis serang Melaka sebab Sultan penjarakan org2 Portugis. Apasal pula Sultan suka2 penjarakan budak Portugis? Cerita Portugis ini melibatkan pedagang Cina untuk tujuan menghasut. Jadi samalah kamu dgn. org2 Portugis ini.
I read yr blog and have profiled you.
have a great idea how you think.
and have an idea of how your view on certain issues.
it shows you ve not been reading.
certainly you are not thining.
read the links. if the link lies , it lied. but wikipedia also talks of the same thing. i can come up with few more account.
so anything that does not favour you. deny first. typical living in denial.
when you lie, will you repeat the lie until the truth is never heard?
thats how the greatest lie by chinese on malay is to claim malay not orginal inhabitant
since you can't argue the fact and decided to do piecemeal fault finding, i'll do a piecemeal too.
I'm sorry Mr.Blogger but your article is incredibly riddled with flaws and racism (and not to mention poor writing).
I am sorry that you have to resort to racist labelling. Do you have to start an argument with labelling other's as racist without presenting your argument first?
When one point one finger, three fingers point back at you, too!
Do you know that Malays are NOT the penduduk asal of Malaysia? Please know your anthropology.
Sure which version of anthropology you wish to use. The one that is the truth or the one you prefer?
The mastermind of chinese chauvanism, Lee Kuan Yew used your argument presented in parliament in 1964.
I've written abt it and it is a balance argument. Read here
I've no idea how you came to the conclusion that he was trying to "menidakkan perjuangan orang Melayu". Just because I say I have an apple doesn't mean you cannot have an apple.
And NOBODY said the Chinese communists were the "pejuang sebenar". Gosh, the Chinese (and other races too) contributed much to the country. Just because the Malays played the biggest role does not mean the Malays are the only ones to thank. Also, why do I feel like you're generalizing all Chinese as communists?
hahaha ... it shows you are still a kid wet behind the ears. Is this the first time you hear of such argument?
This argument and what come swith it have been around more than 30 years la!
Do you realize that there are very few Chinese in the military because the Malays have been oppressing us from joining it? And by oppressing I do not mean the government has laws prohibiting us from enrolling. By oppressing I mean the country has been treating us as second-class citizens and so we do not see it a point to serve the country. And by oppressing I also mean the very Malay/Muslim culture enforced in the military; you can find very racist leaders in it, and trust me, the last thing you want is to be ordered around in a boot camp by a brawny guy who hates you. Yeah, I kind of got that impression from the racist Biro Tatanegara Camp I went to last year. My word of advice: think before you write; you obviously have your cause-and-effects wrong.
What convolted logic! Mula2 anda label saya dgn sad logical fallacy.
Apa merepek begitu jauh pasal opression dan BTN la?
Kalau awak nak masuk askar tinggal nombor talipin dan segera saya talipon recruitment officer pangkat kapten yg sedia terima bukan melayu.
Awak berani ke? Atau awak hanya berani panggil orang rasis! Masaalah orang cina tak mahu masuk pasal gaji kecil dan boleh mati.
Orang Melayu ramai pasal tak ada peluang lain. Dan kami dah biasa ditindas dan diambil peluang.
Ini cerita cultre semua ni merepek. Kami bukan paksa kamu masuk islam. Kami tak ada paksa kamu makan benda yg haram untuk kamu.
Semasa saya kerja dalam koporat, banyak orang bukan Melayu tak hormat ugama saya dan paksa saya minum arak dan makan makanan tak sembelih.
... you're very wrong for underestimating the economic power the immigrants had given. I doubt the British would have given Malaya its independence if the country was not 'developed' enough and did not have the right promise of future prosperity.
Let's not argue based on assumptions! Especially when your assumption is wrong.
If it's the latter, then I'm sure you're just another segregationist Malay who lives with stereotypes and grandmother stories.
Me segregationist? You telling me chinese don't cocooned to live with chinese only?
Go out and meet some people from other races for goodness sake, and you'll realize just how much we have done to make this country better apart from the economic sense.
So you mix with other races? Like how much do know of malay? Yr arguments shows otherwise!
I speak mandarin and kantonis. You didn't bother to respect my article in Malay to answer in english.
Improving a country doesn't just come from 'berjuang dalam tentera' and all that, you know. Only a warmongerer says that. Berjuang also means doing charity and giving economic empowerment to the poor and providing intellectual capital and such.
SO you do? To all malayisans? or your own kind?
Have you ever heard of economic spillover? Do you know why capitalist countries are so rich, have better standards of living and lower poverty rates? Because of companies. They encourage entrepreneurship. And when these companies earn big time, some wealth gets spilled over to everyone in the country. And capitalism is selfishness. Read Adam Smith. Capitalism is about working hard for YOUR OWN PERSONAL gains, and eventually these gains get spilled over to others. If you say the Chinese should not focus so much on their own economic gains, that's a bit communist-like... and I thought you were against communism, no? You cannot open a company thinking about what your neighbor will benefit from it because there would not be motivation strong enough to make the company a success.
Yes tricling down effect? Do you think it happens when it is a monopolistic and ogopolistic? Is Adam Smith the only economic model you learn?
My friend owned a property company. Doing well. Acquired land on his own ability. Abt to develop. Some chinese came to offer equity, He wanted to do it on his own, said no. Later his regular supplier refuse to supply him. If they do, they charge premium pricing. End up having to sell out the project.
I can quote many many of such cases of this capitalist helping the community argument of yours.
Because the orang bukan Melayu knew it would be a big mistake to give Malays all the privilege. It's common sense, and negotiation, and I believe the Malays would feel the same way if they were the immigrants/minority. It's called fighting for one's own voice. It's a natural trait in all of us... and it's one of the better traits in mankind. Sometimes, dear, you have to put yourself in other peoples' shoes.
What right have you to deny us independence when you are not a citizen and menumpang? Bukan ke menunjukkan sikap dengki!
And in case you are wondering, I am NOT thankful to the Malays for letting me live in this country. I am thankful to the leaders who allowed me to do so. And I sure don't give a damn what skin color those leaders have.
You shd thank the British penjajah. Tunku Abdul Rahman and the royalty was forced to accept you. The Malays do not want the immigrants! Read the history books! Talk to ole people. Tunku's eldest son, Tunku Nerang is still alive. Ask him!
After a while the Malays have come to accpt it but on condition that they be able to have a chnce in life.
But you do not accept our sacrifice. Is your sense of gratitude representative of all your people? If so, the Malays discomfort with all of you is justified!
Okay, the Chinese helped the Portuguese. Your point? This was 500 years ago, dude. You're trying to JUDGE us based on something that happened more than 400 years before we even existed? You're trying to judge an entire race based on the actions of some people centuries ago? Your head needs some cleaning; it's obviously filled with hatred and prejudice. Trust me, don't spoil your life with hatred.
By the way, so our ancestors made attack on Malacca possible, and your 'solution' to that is to take revenge today? I thought you practice forgiveness, no? And with the country treating us like second-class citizens for half a century, I think we're more than even already.
The Malays are not hateful people. We know gratitude.
This is just one of many betrayal on this country they claim as their country. Now trying to insist all be called as Malaysians and want us to stop calling ourselves as Malay.
Oh and not to mention the Portuguese themselves brought good to the country. Aren't you happy with the traces of Portuguese culture we have in Malacca? It adds diversity to our country and diversity is strength. And if it wasn't for the Portuguese, the West probably wouldn't have such a strong hold here and we would still be a very, very, very backward country. Be thankful a lil'. Geez. They're not all evil.
You are so naive!
Mana ada penjajah brought anything good. Are you defending them out of gratitude? Or out of similar conscience?
Anyway, what on earth is the point of your post?! EVEN if my grandparents did not contribute anything, are you going to look down on me and say I do not belong in this country? Well, here's a newsflash for you. I am a Malaysian. I eat your food, I sing your anthem, I speak your language, I go to your school, I follow your politics, I cry watching the same movies, I read your magazines, I love this country, I have never been to China, heck I don't even speak Mandarin, I respect your religion, I respect your customs, I celebrate Hari Raya with my friends and neighbors, and I'm against Singapore. What the heck would it matter if my grandfather worked in the military or if he derailed a train for the communists? I am not my grandfather. I was born here, made by your God, and have absolutely no ties to the communists, in case you wanted to know. Stop dwelling on the past because everyone knows that's not going to do any good.
Maybe I shd emphatise with you.
But our past was betrayed. Our present too! It does not offer much hope because another set of orang asing dominate us and negate any effort for us to develop and prosper too!
Friend, I read the link and know the historian is not a M'sian. Probably a Portugese guy.
It seems the historian is trying to absolve the sin and guilt of attacking a smaller and weaker nation by saying Portuguese do so because the Malacca Sultan imprisoned his Portugese countrymen.
So you see, this Portugese writer drag in the Chinese merchant ship to instigate the Malays against their long time Chinese trading partners.
So you see, there is a similarity between the person who put this article up and the Portugese historian. Both of them with sinister intentions, to instigate animosity between the Malay and Chinese.
It doesn't make sense for a merchant ship to be hanging around in an hostile conflict area and furthermore to OFFER assistance for an invasion of their trading partner.
Malacca and China have been trading partners since ancient time and the Chinese definitely do have the military might to invade Malacca but didn't do so.
The Portugese is surely aware of this. Go read the article and you will realize its bias in hiding the guilt and sin of a stronger nation to rob and subjugate the Malacca people.
Friend, is not about denying just because the article is not in my favor, is also not about accepting the article just because it is in your favor.
When we're fed with information, we analyze, then we ask why it happen, how it happen and how it fits into a full logical scenario. We can also debate about it to get the real facts out.
That's how we learn and be intelligent and not just accept information blindly. The person who put up this article with sinister intention, had accepted the story without thinking. Think about it.
aku memang menyampah kalau kita cakap bahasa malaysia dijawab ngan bahasa lain.
lahir kt malaysia,duduk kat malaysia, mengaku warganegara malaysia, sekolah pandai, bahasa ingeris mahir tapi bahasa malaysia yg jadi bahasa rasmi negara kita pun tak dihormati dan tak fasih menuturkannya...
kalau yg buat mcm tu lahir tahun 57 boleh terima lg, tp kebanyakkanya yg muda2.
mcm tu nk mengaku rakyat malaysia.
kalau nk cerita tentang sejarah, jangan baca buku satu jenis jer.
nk jadi warganegara malaysia, kena tahu dan faham perlembagaan malaysia.
"Perlembagaan Malaysia dikenali sebagai Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Ia merupakan satu dokumen undang-undang bertulis yang telah dibentuk berasaskan kepada dua dokumen terdahulu iaitu Perjanjian Persekutuan Tanah Melayu 1948 dan Perlembagaan Kemerdekaan tahun 1957".,
Perlembagaan Persekutuan juga mengandungi beberapa perkara yang tidak boleh dipersoalkan seperti:
- agama Islam sebagai agama rasmi;
- kedudukan istimewa Raja-raja Melayu dan bumiputera di Sabah dan Sarawak;
- kedudukan Bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa kebangsaan; dan,
- soal kerakyatan.
I am sorry that you have to resort to racist labelling. Do you have to start an argument with labelling other's as racist without presenting your argument first?
Oh my gosh, I laughed when I read what you wrote above. It's called an introduction! You don't know?
And I can't believe you don't realize just how racist you are. Your entire blog is riddled with racism. Now, I expect you to say that you're just presenting the facts. I don't want to argue with you about which facts are right or wrong. But your style of writing is incredibly racist. You present your facts with bias and your language is prejudiced.
When one point one finger, three fingers point back at you, too!
This is just plain rhetoric so I'm going to ignore it.
Sure which version of anthropology you wish to use. The one that is the truth or the one you prefer?
All three theories point to the Malays as immigrants.
I've written abt it and it is a balance argument. Read here
You do realize that all the theories in that post, except one, say that Malays are not indigenous to this land, right? So you choose to trust that one theory in the face of numerous other theories. Who is the biased one here?
hahaha ... it shows you are still a kid wet behind the ears. Is this the first time you hear of such argument?
This argument and what come swith it have been around more than 30 years la!
What exactly is your counter-argument? You have not disproved anything I said.
Apa merepek begitu jauh pasal opression dan BTN la?
Because BTN is a very strong reflection of what the government, and thus also the military and all other public departments, thinks.
Kalau awak nak masuk askar tinggal nombor talipin dan segera saya talipon recruitment officer pangkat kapten yg sedia terima bukan melayu.
Like I said, there are no regulations against accepting non-Malays into the military. Please read my earlier post properly.
Awak berani ke? Atau awak hanya berani panggil orang rasis!
Is this a personal attack? Look, I'm trying to carry out a proper, intellectual argument here against what you posted, not making unfounded assumptions about your character. So please don't bring your hard feelings into this.
Masaalah orang cina tak mahu masuk pasal gaji kecil dan boleh mati.
There you go. Proof of your racism and the grandmother stories you live by.
Orang Melayu ramai pasal tak ada peluang lain. Dan kami dah biasa ditindas dan diambil peluang.
The opportunities are there because the government feeds them to the Malays. But the problem with affirmative action is that it makes people unwilling to work hard. It makes them think that they've got birth privileges and so they don't see the point of competing. THAT is the reason the Malays don't seem to be getting any chances.
Ini cerita cultre semua ni merepek. Kami bukan paksa kamu masuk islam. Kami tak ada paksa kamu makan benda yg haram untuk kamu.
I never said anything about the military forcing us. I said the culture is simply too alien to us and unaccepting of foreign cultures. Sometimes we all want familiarity, and a sense of home, and being treated equally like everyone else. But that's not what the non-Malays are getting in this country.
Semasa saya kerja dalam koporat, banyak orang bukan Melayu tak hormat ugama saya dan paksa saya minum arak dan makan makanan tak sembelih.
So your colleagues were disrespectful to your religion. Shame on them. But are you going to brand the entire race on the actions of those people? Like I said, you live by stereotypes. Go out and meet more people.
Let's not argue based on assumptions! Especially when your assumption is wrong.
And could you please point out why my assumption is wrong? Or else I'll just stand by my case.
Me segregationist? You telling me chinese don't cocooned to live with chinese only?
Yes, you segregationist. I did not call your race segregationist, although most of us in Malaysia are segregationists. So please don't extend what I said about you to an entire race.
Look, I go to school in the US and the Chinese there do not segregate. Sure, they occasionally have Chinese culture nights and all that, but for the most part, they mix around. Malaysia is a very segregated country because the government segregates us. It's almost like a caste system.
So you mix with other races? Like how much do know of malay? Yr arguments shows otherwise!
Yes I mix with other races. And I take extreme pride in it. Not trying to brag here, but the whole fact that I'm advising you against racism should show that I care enough for diversity. How about you? How much do you know of the other races? Why do my arguments show otherwise? Care to explain? Because I don't see why they show otherwise, dear.
I need to clear something up because you seem quite confused: I do not dislike the Malays. I repeat, I do NOT dislike the Malays. None of my sentences shows any hatred towards any race. And neither do I have any special preferences towards the other races. I'm fighting for equality. I'm not fighting for Chinese privileges or special rights. I just want all races to have equal rights.
I speak mandarin and kantonis. You didn't bother to respect my article in Malay to answer in english.
Oh I speak Italian and I read Latin. But I know little about their values. I know what they fight for, but I do not share their passion in that fight. So big deal that you speak mandarin.
I argue in English because this is what I'm most proficient in. I want to present my points in the clearest and most effective way I can. Arguments aren't about the language. They're about getting the point across in the best way. If you're much more comfortable arguing in Japanese, go ahead. I'll get a translator.
SO you do? To all malayisans? or your own kind?
I work at the orphanage occasionally and the last thing I care about is whether that poor kid's name is Ali, Ah Leong, or Ahjeet. I recycle and hold recycling drives, and in no occasion did I give a damn whether the cleaner air would benefit a Malay kampung or a Chinese one. Look, I don't want to list a resume here, but what exactly is your point when you said the above? Are you saying that all my efforts were racist? I never asked for any returns to my deeds, but neither did I ask for ingratitude.
Yes tricling down effect? Do you think it happens when it is a monopolistic and ogopolistic? Is Adam Smith the only economic model you learn?
Do I think it happens when it is a monopoly or an oligopoly? Why yes. I'm not talking about economic ethics here. I'm saying that these big companies bring in foreign investment and the like. And don't tell me foreign investment is bad for us.
Adam Smith is not a theory. He was a man. Anyway, what are you trying to say? I can list other theories to support Adam Smith's, but I don't want to write an economics paper. My point is made well enough with his theory alone.
My friend owned a property company. Doing well. Acquired land on his own ability. Abt to develop. Some chinese came to offer equity, He wanted to do it on his own, said no. Later his regular supplier refuse to supply him. If they do, they charge premium pricing. End up having to sell out the project.
Okay, I believe I made a mistake here. You called the Chinese selfish. You said they only care about their own race's economic empowerment. And I gave you an lecture on capitalism. I addressed the wrong problem, sorry. But to reply your passage above, please read my response to janggut jebat about why the Chinese discriminate against the Malays in business in the first place.
I can quote many many of such cases of this capitalist helping the community argument of yours.
Please don't. I don't think many individual stories make up the big picture.
What right have you to deny us independence when you are not a citizen and menumpang? Bukan ke menunjukkan sikap dengki!
There goes another evidence of your racism. Please don't use 'us' as if it's your independence and not mine as well.
'Your' independence came with a promise that the Chinese would be citizens. Without the promise, the British would not have given 'you' independence in the first place. So please don't call us foreigners because the promise was made - we were part of the conditions.
Now, citizenship sounded like great news to the Chinese. I'm sure they welcomed it wholeheartedly. But hold on! They had to make sure that the conditions behind the great news were not some kind of lure to a trap. And guess what? They did discover it was a trap! So they had to negotiate. And negotiate they did. But to vain, as can be seen in our second-class treatment today.
You shd thank the British penjajah. Tunku Abdul Rahman and the royalty was forced to accept you. The Malays do not want the immigrants! Read the history books! Talk to ole people. Tunku's eldest son, Tunku Nerang is still alive. Ask him!
Do you know you're contradicting yourself? You're working to such effect that I should be thankful to the Malays for letting me stay here, but then you said that the Malays were forced into that decision. So why should I be thankful to the race?
Yes I am thankful to the British. Tell me, do you hate the British with this unquestionable, burning fury? Because they came and developed you? Sure, they stole your independence. But if you can look past your pride and look at the matter in the long term, there's no way you can deny that the British did help us a lot.
Anyway, I stand by what I said: I am thankful to real people, not to something as superficial as race.
After a while the Malays have come to accpt it but on condition that they be able to have a chnce in life
Good for them. Very, very good for them. I'm glad they got through their stubbornness.
But you do not accept our sacrifice. Is your sense of gratitude representative of all your people? If so, the Malays discomfort with all of you is justified!
I do not accept your sacrifices because there aren't any sacrifices to acknowledge in the first place. You accepted the immigrants. I don't see how that's painful. I just think you're being too proud. In fact, I can see more good than harm in it. The immigrants taught you about openness and diversity; taught you about the power of competition; taught you to look beyond your own country and your own heritage; taught you that the world is really small and moves at an incredible speed; gave you a beautiful blend of cultures; gave you a reason to be proud that we're a nation of different peoples; gave you various cuisines and celebrations and the products of their mixes; gave you the chance to witness other languages in action; made the streets colorful and festive; made this country such an amazing melting pot; made you who you are today, a person who has been learning all the above values and not realizing it because he takes them for granted... and you're not thankful at all? You don't realize how much other countries lack in those areas. And now you're trying to say that the Chinese and Indians before merdeka, after merdeka and even today are a disgrace to this country? You can either: (a) acknowledge the wonderful things the immigrants have done to the natives and the wonderful things the natives have done to the immigrants, and try to peacefully fix whatever problems that have arisen from such a collision, or (b) you can be shallow and wallow in your sorrows because you have to share your land with somebody who doesn't look like you. Look at America and look at the vast number of immigrants they take in. That is their pride. Let's make this our pride too.
This is just one of many betrayal on this country they claim as their country. Now trying to insist all be called as Malaysians and want us to stop calling ourselves as Malay.
Yes, this is my country and as God as my witness, I am proud of my country. If I was born in Germany (and still ethnically Chinese), I call myself a Chinese German. But that Chinese part merely denotes heritage, just like the African in African American. It is the German part that I put down as my NATIONALITY. And so my nationality here is Malaysian. So is yours. We are both Malaysians, my brother (or sister. Please tell me your gender so I know how to address you).
You are so naive!
Mana ada penjajah brought anything good. Are you defending them out of gratitude? Or out of similar conscience?
See above.
Maybe I shd emphatise with you.
Thanks, but not just me. Empathize with everyone who has been treated unjustly.
But our past was betrayed. Our present too! It does not offer much hope because another set of orang asing dominate us and negate any effort for us to develop and prosper too!
I'm very surprised that you're working so hard to fight for your betrayed past and present but you're not willing to acknowledge the legitimacy of other races' causes in this country. What I understand from your posts is that the Malays are being discriminated against by the other races, and so they are robbed of their opportunities. Well yes, I do know that and I've seen it happen. But seriously, do you think the non-Malays would behave that way if you did not discriminate against them in the first place? You want to solve today's Malay dilemma, but you do not realize that the solution to it is equality - treating others the way you want to be treated. I know it, and I am sure of it. This is inside information I am giving you. I am Chinese and I hear from my racist Chinese friends all the time about how they don't like the Malays because they (the Chinese) are denied scholarships or their companies have ridiculous quota systems or the Malays don't acknowledge their Buddhist and Christian traditions. You can see the whole deal in action in America. The older generations are racist like it's what feeds them. The Whites get suspicious whenever they see a Black, and they prefer to hire a White person over a Black one with the same credentials. I believe their racism stems from old policies in the 1960s when Blacks were forced to sit at the back of buses and were not allowed to drink from the same water cooler as the whites. But the younger generation, though not completely pure, shows great promise. This is because the government has changed its policies; the blacks can now vote in the elections, they have to get equal treatment in the workforce, they have organizations supporting them and fighting for their welfare, and their hip-hop culture is celebrated by all races as a proper form of music art. And the children of all races are genuinely educated to believe in a most powerful truth, that diversity is the greatest strength. A huge chunk of Obama's voters are young people. Answer me this one question: what do you think the non-Malays are fighting for why do you think it is not justified?
sebuah blog yang sangat baik!
I can't believe you did not publish my second post. Just goes to show what a biased and unreliable writer you are.
to mohd fauzi:
If you had read what I wrote in my second post (which the blogger refused to approve, for obvious reasons), you would have known why I answered in English. Besides, I'm one of the proponents of English, Mandarin, and Tamil as official languages. Seriously, look around you. How can you possibly call those three languages non-official. It's not as if those languages are spoken by a few tourists who come here every summer vacation. Those languages are the voices of a huge chunk of our people. They reflect the humanity of this country, and yes, they reflect beautifully. And don't go about saying that there's only one official language in the constitution. The constitution can be amended, and it's about time.
Perbualan seorang cina dengan seorang Melayu, "Wa ada IC, lu ada IC. Wa ada tanah, lu tak da tanah. Sikalang wa mahu tanya, ini tanah wa ka atau tanah Melayu". Begitu la adanya....
Cerita pedagang Cina membantu Portugis ini telah didokumentasikan di beberapa sumber.
Kalau rasis tegar Edward Huang tak mahu terima, pergi mampus dengan dia. Dia pendatang yang tidak berterima kasih.
Ingin saya beri sedutan dan link sekali daripada blog MOHD SYAHIR MAKIN berikut:
... Penangkapan 18 orang Portugis oleh bendahara meyebabkan Raja Portugal telah membantu Diego Mendez De Vanconcelos ke Melaka untuk membebaskan orang-orang Portugis yang di tangkap itu. Vanconcelos telah singgah di Goa yang pada ketika itu wizurainya ialah Alfonso De Albuquerque.
Alfonso menahan Vanconcelos untuk menyerang melaka kerana angkatan perangnya yang sedikit dan tidak kuat untuk menawan Melaka. Oleh itu, Alfonso sendiri telah bertolak dari India (Kocin) dengan kapal Flor De La Mar dan 18 buah kapal yang lain, 800 orang Portugis dan 600 orang India pada Mei 1510. Alfonso sampai pada Mei 1510. Alfonso singgah di Pidir(Pidie) kemudian ke Pasai sebelum ke Melaka.
Beliau tiba di Melaka pada Julai 1511 dan menghantar utusan meminta sultan Melaka membebaskan orang Portugis dan membayar gantirugi kepada orang Portugis dengan menggunakan harta pusaka Bendahara Tun Mutahir.
Orang Portugis telah membakar semua kapal yang berlabuh di pelabuhan Melaka kecuali kapal orang India dan lima buah kapal orang Cina kerana Cina menawarkan bantuan untuk membantu Portugis menawan Melaka. Peperangan berlaku dan Melaka pada masa itu dikatakan mempunyai 20 000 askar upahan dan 20 ekor Gajah.
Orang Portugis mempunyai perancangan untuk menakluki melaka iaitu dengancara;
1. Menawan jambatan yang berhampiran Kuala Sungai Melaka agar orang Melaka terpecah dua.
"Orang Portugis sangat mengetahui kegunaan titi itu ,maka dengan seberapa daya mereka mencuba merobohkannya."
"Apabila telah dekat,titi itupun ditembak mereka lalu roboh ,maka susahlah orang Melayu yang di Bukit Melaka hendak berhubung dengan orang Melayu di bandar Melaka."
2. Mendarat dan menyerang dari dua tempat iaitu Selatan Melaka dan Utara Melaka.
Orang Melaka pula dibacakan Hikayat Amir Hamzah untuk menikkan semangat mereka. Serangan-serangan orang Portugis berlaku pada 25 Julai 1511, pada masa ini orang Melaka dapat mempertahankan Melaka dari serangan orang Portugis apabila orang Portugis gagal menawan hjambatan Melaka.
Pada 10 Ogos 1511 orang Portugis menyerang Melaka lagi dan hanya pada 24 Ogos 1511 orang Portugis telah berjaya menawan Melaka.
Lol, pergi mampus dengan dia? You failed to answer my questions and your best defence is "pergi mampus dengan dia"? You must be really proud with how smart and educated you are, aren't you? I've been showing your blog to many of my friends and they're all laughing about how you refused to post my comments. Some of them even wrote about your blog on their blogs. And I think I've found myself a new hobby: arguing with blog writers like you who have no basis for their arguments. Maybe I'll start a blog myself, in which I'll write the comments that you refused to post. Then let the readers of my blog decide for themselves if your blog is worth reading. Oh well, I'm pretty sure other like-minded Malays would still LOVE to read your blog, since it's food and fuel to them.
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