Ini jelas bertentangan dengan asas kebabasan berugama dalam Artikel 11 (4) Perlembagaan Persekutuan yang melarang penyebaran ugama lain kepada umat Islam di negara ini.
Selain itu, tidak munasabah untuk penganut agama Kristian menggunakan istilah Allah sebagai tuhan kerana ia bercanggah dengan maksud Allah sebagai tuhan yang esa.
Ada gereja-gereja tertentu yang mengharamkan penggunaan istilah Islam ke dalam amalan Krisian mereka.
Hairan dan takjub kenapa begitu mudah ahli Parlimen PAS, Khalid Samad, yang mana partinya satu masa dahulu boleh melenteng dengan isu sebegini, boleh terima tipu helah mubaligh Kristian untuk menyebarkan agama Kristian dan memurtadkan umat Islam?
Dalam menggunakan telunjuk ke arah PAS tidak lengkap jika tidak disalahkan kepada pihak yang membuat keputusan ia-itu Menteri Dalam Negeri dari UMNO, Dato Seri Syed Hamid Albar. Tidakkah dia faham niat mereka, percanggahan dengan amalan Kristian dan artikel 11 (4) berkenaan bebasan agama?
Namun begitu, kelonggaran yang diberi tidak dihargai oleh pihak-pihak ini. Mereka menuntut penggunaan sepenuh tanpa syarat.
Remove conditions on use of ‘Allah’, Govt urgedKenapa mudah beralah kepada pihak yang mempunyai niat jahat dan tidak akan tahu mertolak ansur mengalah tetapi hanya mahu mengambil saja? Bodoh!
The Star, Saturday February 28, 2009
KUALA LUMPUR: The Government’s approval for the word “Allah” to be used in Christian publications should be widened.
MCA Political Education Bureau head Gan Ping Sieu said conditional usage of “Allah” in print form was unacceptable and an affront to common sense.
He said the MCA acknowledged that the Home Ministry had heeded calls from Christian groups to allow the use of the word in their publications, albeit with conditions.
Gan pointed out that the Christian bumiputra’s right to use “Allah” should not be solely confined to Christian literature.
“The majority of Christians are bumiputras from Sabah and Sarawak and the orang asli, whose mother tongue is Bahasa Malaysia.
“Because they speak and pray in Bahasa Malaysia as it is their first language, the Government must lift the ban not only for printed publications but also for oral references to God as ‘Allah’,” he said.
Gan said that the latest government gazette was directed towards Christian publications but failed to include other religions that refer to God as “Allah”.
“The Government should come out clearer that ‘Allah’ may be also used by the Sikhs. There should not be different standards for different religions in referring to God as ‘Allah’ as it will confuse Malaysians,” he added.
In Petaling Jaya, the Council of Churches of Malaysia has made similar calls, adding that the Government should accept the use of the term “Allah” as a heritage that is not exclusive to one religion.
“We further urge the Government not to attempt to regulate or circumscribe its use through the introduction of preconditions and by punitive criminal legislation,” said the council’s general secretary Rev Dr Hermen Shastri in a statement yesterday.
“This is an unfair imposition and unwarranted restriction on the practice of the Christian religion in this country,” he said.
“We regret that the Government did not see fit to engage with us before introducing this order.”
Adakah kerana perkiraan politik sanggup dikorbankan akidah umat-umat Islam yang agak lemah?