Khamis, 18 Disember 2008

Melayu dan Mangsa Komunis Bintang Tiga Patut Saman Semua Penjajah-Penjajah Eropah dan Chin Peng!

Kaum Cina mahu mengungkit bahawa kaum mereka menjadi mangsa darurat tentera British. Baca laporan berita bertarikh Disember 14hb, berikut:

Malaysia's Last Witness to 1948 Massacre Calls for Justice

BATANG KALI, Malaysia (AFP) — Tham Yong is elderly and infirm, but the sole living survivor of Malaysia's 1948 Batang Kali massacre says she still vividly remembers what she calls "the day the British killed our men".

"After so much time, it still hurts me every time I talk about it, I remember it just like yesterday," she says, tears streaming down her cheeks as she recounts the slaying of 24 unarmed villagers by Scots Guards troops.

The 77-year-old former rubber tapper has spent decades fighting for compensation over the terrible events in the village of Batang Kali on December 11 and 12, 1948.

But as she succumbs to throat cancer, the campaign is being taken up by a new generation of activists and politicians who have demanded an apology from Britain and 80 million pounds (149 million dollars) in compensation.

The leader of the campaign, 40-year-old lawyer Quek Ngee Meng -- whose father lives in Batang Kali -- marched with a small band of supporters to the British High Commission on Friday to mark the 60th anniversary of the event.

The group presented a memorandum condemning the massacre to High Commissioner Boyd McCleary, who came out to the embassy gates to meet with the protesters.

"We are asking for a proper public enquiry to be held... I think it's a fair request," Quek told AFP.

"Let us show our evidence and if we have proven our case, then meet our demands. If the outcome favours the British government, then we will stop this protest," he said.

In June 1948, the British authorities declared a state of emergency in the colony then known as Malaya, which was overrun by communist insurgents engaged in a violent and brutal guerrilla war that would last 12 years.

The Chinese community in the multiracial nation were suspected of supporting the communists, as most of the insurgents were ethnic Chinese upset over a lack of rights that saw them endure appalling working conditions.

Many were unhappy that after World War II, in which the Chinese communists put up the only effective resistance in Japanese-occupied Malaya, they were now being offered only limited citizenship in the country they had fought for.

This, in addition to a post-war regional economic slowdown that brought massive unemployment, led many to join the communists in a campaign to oust the British colonial rulers.

To contain the insurrection, the authorities used British troops to carry out anti-guerrilla operations although many were raw recruits as most of the soldiers who had fought in World War II had been demobilised.

Batang Kali, which lies just outside the modern capital Kuala Lumpur, remains much like it was on the day when 14 British soldiers opened fire on unarmed men and torched the village.

Tham Yong still lives there, in a spartan house with cement floors, a single lightbulb and only a few sticks of furniture.

"The soldiers came in the evening as we were preparing our meal," said the elderly lady, who because of surgery for her throat cancer has to press closed a hole in her throat in order to speak.

"They rounded us all up and we were terrified," she said.

"Even though we said we were not communists and we had no weapons, they killed one of the young men in cold blood in front of my eyes because he had a permit to collect durians, written in Chinese."

"I think the British soldiers must have thought it was a communist document," she said.

"The soldiers then told him to run away but he didn't want to, but they pushed him and when he did run, they shot him from the back."

Tham Yong said the soldiers then locked the men, women and children in a small room overnight.

"The next morning they loaded the women and childen in a truck and just after we were out of view we heard many shots and we knew the men were dead," she said.

"We were kept away for a week and when we returned we found the bloated bodies, half eaten by animals with most of them looking as if they were running away when shot. Even today when I think of what happens, it hurts so much."

The shooting was quickly explained away by the local government, with the then Malayan attorney general saying an inquiry had been held and the troops vindicated, although no trace of this investigation has been found.

The guerrilla war left thousands dead and formally ended only in 1989 with the signing of a peace treaty with the Malayan Communist Party.

The massacre lay forgotten until Britain's People newspaper in 1970 published an explosive account of the killings, publishing sworn affidavits by several soldiers involved who admitted the villagers were shot in cold blood.

The soldiers said in the statements -- now on record in British archives -- that the villagers were forced at gun-point to run, and then killed in a bid to make it look like an escape attempt.

Some of the soldiers said they were ordered to kill the villagers as a desire for revenge brewed among senior officers after several communist insurgents killed British and local security personnel weeks before.

The revelations caused major ripples in Britain just ahead of national elections, with then defence secretary Dennis Healy promising a full investigation.

However, plans for the enquiry were dropped after the Conservatives took power.

It was not until 1992, when a BBC documentary reminded Malaysians of the killings, that interest was revived, but demands for an inquiry have failed to make any headway.

Cabinet minister Ong Tee Keat, who is head of the main Chinese component party in Malaysia's coalition government, said recently that the history of the guerrilla war should be accurately portrayed.

"(The Batang Kali killings) have been glossed over by the colonial government administration. This has been kept under the rug for so long," Ong told AFP.

"What these people are seeking really is historical redress as those that were killed have long been described as bandits and Communist sympathisers," he said.

For Tham Yong, the feelings of injustice remain raw.

"I'm still angry because these were innocent persons but labelled as bandits and communists, when all they were doing was collecting durians and not supplying food to the communists," she said.

"My advanced cancer means I will not around much longer, but I hope people remember what happened here so that those who were killed here are never forgotten."

Selain dari agenda tersirat yang dikatakan artikel semalam, bukankah anih melihat MCA menyokong usaha ini?

Bukankah MCA yang dahulu ditubuh dan berusaha bersungguh-sungguh menyelamatkan kaum mereka yang diam dipinggiran yang menjadi mangsa kezaliman pengganas komunis semasa zaman darurat? Inilah penempatan kaum Cina yang dipanggil New Village dimerata negara dan sering menjadi medan pertempuran antara parti-parti politik kaum Cina.

Anih ke tidak MCA mempertahankan penduduk kawasan ini yang suatu masa dahulu adalah kawasan hitam yang dipenuhi communist sympathisers?

Apalah sangat beberapa orang yang mati akibat peluru dan parang yang tersasar di Ulu Yam. Itu rasmi peperangan. Usah dikata orang Melayu tiada yang menjadi "collateral damage" kepada peperangan. Setiap peluru dan bom yang tersasar semasa zaman perang, ada mangsanya orang Melayu.

Bukan kita manusia yang tiada perikemanusian dalam berhadapan dengan kezaliman. Atas keperimanusiaan kita bertolak ansur menerima kaum lain sebagai rakyat.

Sepanjang 466 tahun dijajah, kehancuran kepada bangsa Melayu; sistem kerajaan, ekonomi, budaya, akidah, jatidiri dan semangat juang orang Melayu terkikis dan hancur lebur bersama lipatan sejarah.

Perjuangan orang Melayu untuk kemerdekaan tidak mengembalikan tanahair kepada Melayu, dan tidak memartabatkan ekonomi, bahasa, dan kebudayaan Melayu, tetapi perlu berkorban untuk berkongsi dengan mereka yang dibawa dari luar alam budaya Melayu.

Sepanjang dianugerah kerakyatan, tuan rumah tidak dihormati dan pengorbanan tidak dihargai. Manis mulut berkata setuju, sedia bekerjasama dan mengikrarkan taat setia, tetapi tangan lain pula dalam sorok-sorok membaling batu untuk perlecehkan pelbagai usaha untuk memajukan bangsa kita.

Kalau kaum Cina mahu mengungkit, orang Melayu adalah mangsa yang paling besar. Sebagai penduduk asal di Malaya, merekalah teramai dan pasti mereka mendapat tempias darah yang terbanyak.

Semasa Jepun kembali, kaum Cina dari kumpulan pengganas komunis Bintang Tiga mempunyai senjata yang diberi oleh British. Mereka mengganas dan membunuh orang-orang Melayu marhaen di kampung-kampung dalam ribuan.

(Gambar dikiri: Chin Peng bertemu pegawai tinggi Inggeris)

Ada timbul pahlawan dan pendekar yang gagah dan hebat untuk bangun melawan walaupun hanya berbekal parang panjang. Itu pun apabila urusan mahu diselesaikan dan musuh mahu dilenyapkan dari mukabumi, ada pula bangsawan Melayu yang mempertahankan pengganas-pengganas ini.

Sepatutnya mangsa-mangsa Chin Peng serta kumpulannya Parti Komunis Malaya dan Bintang Tiga menyaman Chin Peng yang sedang menyaman kerajaan Malaysia. Orang Melayu pun patut saman kerajaan British, Belanda dan Portugis yang masih utuh kekal hingga hari ini atas dosa menjajah yang silam dan rompakan hasil bumi dan keringat rakyat Melayu.

Bagai boleh dirasakan akan ada suara-suara Melayu yang berkata, "Jangan susah-susah dan ungkit cerita lama. Kita mesti bersatupadu." Tapi mereka tidak mahu bersatupadu, sekolah pun tak mahu sama-sama. Mereka sentiasa berkira dan pentingkan hanya tembolok mereka.

Kadang-kadang penat memikirkan orang atasan Melayu yang tiada kebijaksanaan strategik dan selalu mudah tolak ansur. Melayu Oh Melayu ...

8 ulasan:

Tanpa Nama berkata...

begitu lah nasib rakyat jelata sekarang,para pemimpin leka dengan tembolok masing2,tak pedulikan lagi apa nak jadi pada tuan punya tanahair,
haruskah di tukarkan nama meLAYU,kerana itupun melambangkan ke tidak mampuan kita.
entah bila kesedaran itu akan timbul,
terigat kata indah yang di nyayikan oleh para politikwan" nenek moyang kaya raya, tergadai seluruh harta benda " cuma saya nak ubah sikit je sambunganya,akibat perangai pembesarlah kita bumi dipijak milik orang,singapura.

Abdullah AR berkata...

Apa sebenarnya muslihat disebalik saman Batang Kali dan saman Hindraf terhadap Kerajaan Britsh ni?

Saya tak percaya yang mereka serius utk dapatkan pampasan. Saya tak fikir ada peruntukkan undang-undang untuk apa yg mereka alami. Kalau ada pun dah lama sangat, takde had masa ke nak ambil saman?

Macam ada tujuan lain.

OTAI (Otak Tenang Akal Inovatif) berkata...







Unknown berkata...

Mungkin juga ada agenda politik yang dibincang antara kaum mereka

jiran diselatan sedang mengalami kemerosotan ekonomi

ada juga pemimpin yang berulang kali cadangkan negara mereka bersatu semula dengan Malaysia

ketika anwar dilihat gagal, DAP pun tiada kuasa mencetuskan perubahan, maka komponen BN juga yang harus bertindak

kini MCA dan Gerakan mula lantang bersuara

BaitiBadarudin berkata...

seperti kata JMD, di mana sejarahwan Melayu di saat bangsa memerlukannya?

Tanpa Nama berkata...

setuju cuba adakan pungutan sokongan untuk mambuat tuntutan terhadap parti komunis malaya atas kerosakan dan pembunuhan yang dilakukan semasa darurat dahulu. perlu ada usaha untuk pungutan suara ini. lakukan sesuatu

Unknown berkata...

mungkin juga boleh di-tuntut membayar sewa selama berpuluh tahun menggunakan Tanah Melayu untuk mencuri kekayaan dari hasil tanah

baik siPutih, siKuning dan kaum Hindraf ...

Tanpa Nama berkata...

inilah budaya melayu mudah bertolak ansur,xberdendam dan suke menjaga perasaan org lain..
tapi kebaikan org melayu ni disalahgunakan oleh org lain untuk kepentingan mereka sendiri..
sbb itu org dulu2 sudah berpesan..
"buat baik berpada2..buat jahat jgn sekali"..
kepada pemimpin melayu xkira parti manepun perlu bersatu untuk menjaga kepentingan bangsa melayu di negara ini..